Sunday, August 14, 2011

Early, staycation, unfurled, eagle eye

It's Sunday and I've been up since 7.00am! SEVEN! I don't like getting up early, but I do like getting up early. Yeah, you read that right. It's one of those things where I find the practice often more appealing than the theory. There's something a little magical about the start of a new day. I love to see the sunrise and I love that my day will seem much longer and I will get more done. Maybe I wouldn't be so enthusiastic if it were a work day...or IF I DIDN'T HAVE NEXT WEEK OFF! 

Yes, I have a week's leave.  *gleeful jog* ...Oops, I mean *gleeful JIG* I'm not going anywhere; I'm having another home holiday, ostensibly to have a decent rest because I've been feeling rundown and off-colour for months, but I have a growing to-do list already - mostly fun stuff like completing your mix tapes, making a start on a collage of old family photos and visiting my friend's newborn bub Eliza Grace. There's also a bit of decluttering and cleaning which isn't really fun, but will make me feel good when it's done.

I bought some oriental lilies last week and yesterday I noticed one closed bloom was on the brink of unfurling. I was setting it up to take a photo of it...lifted the vase up, arranged a nice background, put the vase back down, picked up my camera, started to line up the flower and IT WAS OPEN!

I got paid earlier than expected this month (the money goes into our accounts the night before pay day and pay day falls on a Monday this month, I worked out). What a pleasant surprise.

Look at this old sign I spotted from my boss's window! He's away and I was in his office to take a personal phone call. I looked out the window and there it was, on the side of the Princess Theatre!

Zoomed in all the way

Wider angle. Can you see the sign?

Luke has introduced me to The Mighty Boosh. It's absurb, but I like it, especially Howard's ernestness and the silly conversations he and Vincent have. It also makes me laugh watching Luke laugh at it.

I'm sitting on the couch listening to music with the sun shining in my window. Aaaah. Life is good.

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