Saturday, January 28, 2012

Gleeful: The music edition

I went to see English brother-and-sister trio Kitty, Daisy and Lewis last night. I hadn't seen them live before and wasn't sure what to expect as their new songs didn't knock my socks off and they aren't bursting with charisma in their video clips.! The show did knock my socks off. They played plenty of songs from the album I own, but they were even better live. It was impossible to stand still (but too hot to move around too much!). And loud! That Daisy sure can bang a drum.

The most impressive thing is that they are only young 'uns (the eldest is about 23) but they play quite an  array of instruments - between them last night they played guitars, drums, harmonica, piano accordian, keyboard and banjo.  Imagine how good they'll be when they reach their 30s...

Here's them playing Hillbilly Music live. Yeeeee-haw!

We caught the last few songs of the support act, Kira Puru & The Bruise from Newcastle, and they were pretty good - blaring guitars and a lead singer with a huge, Etta James-esque voice. Must investigate further....

Other music I'm listening to and loving now (thanks to Three D Radio's (The Whole) Kit and Caboodle):

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