Sunday, October 2, 2016

Grumpy, but not totally without glee

I might have spoken too soon about doing well off my meds. I've been in a rotten mood since yesterday, although it could be that I've only had one good night's sleep in the last week and I've been feeling very average for the best part of a month (current state: exhausted + vertiginous). Or it could be that everyone and everything is effing annoying. I just don't know. 

But! I have had some laughs. I finished watching Raised by Wolves last night and cackled and guffawed my way through it. The final episode made me cry laughing - when Yoko (the sensitive/ anxious/depressive daughter) punched a hole in the caravan wall after Germaine killed a rare bee! - and it also made cry  - when Aretha was falling for her economics teacher, but her poor heart was crushed when she saw her teacher kissing her (own) boyfriend on the street. Long-suffering Aretha, the second eldest, nerdy, cynical, sharp-tongued daughter, is my favourite. 

The show was axed after its second season, but there are moves afoot for it to be resurrected. I shall keep my fingers tightly crossed.  

I also had a good laugh at these photos of googly-eyed grass monsters taken by my friend Victoria. I love them. They are ridiculous, adorable and hysterical. I love the playfulness, humour and imagination. 

I'm tempted to head across to the Botanic Gardens with a stash of googly-eyes, since I have no garden of my own.  (Apparently The Reject Shop sells these ones.)

I went to the chemist for something to help me sleep tonight. I'm sure I'll feel better if I can get some quality sleep.  

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